Monday, December 21, 2009

Searching for the grave of Santa Claus

Well this carol has been buried for some time now, but i was driving to camarillo yesterday and heard on the radio that they may have found the the actual grave of St. Nicholas, the 3rd century bishop, who was the inspiration for Santa.

Well apparently it's in Ireland. Experts believe that Irish Templers moved his corpse during the Crusades. Something like that; my reception was a bit faint.

The song is some sort of metaphor about how X-mas is lost or something. I guess i've always disliked the holiday, as you can see in my " my two cents " post. Lol.

Gabster used to play the jingle bells part, with sweet distortion, on the electric. But he was in the spirit of x-mas i sang that part...

searching for the grave of santa claus
some say it is forever lost
aimlessly searching thru mountains of snow
in the distance i hear a vague ho, ho, ho

my tears froze as i cried
i felt his grave was close by
then i saw a man with a long white beard
he looked down at me then disapeared

i started to dig as fast as i could
exactly under from where he stood
i thought the world i was going to save
but i was just digging my own grave

1 comment:

  1. i wrote the verses and had no chorus..then as a xmas miracle i had the idear to play jingle bells in a minor tonality as the chorus...must hear the duo version with gabster playing sweet licks
